Elaina is 2 months old today! :)
This is what you have been up to!
- You would love to be held 24/7. You scream when you are put down but as soon as we pick you back up you are as happy as a clam! But you are getting use to the swing a little bit....
-You are a great eater. You are eating about every 2 hrs. We give you a bottle around dinner time and you drink about 6 oz.
-You think you big brother is the greastest thing.. Whenever he comes around, you turn and look at him with a BIG smile!
-Your really starting to enjoy your nice warm baths.
-Your a great sleeper! You eat around 9pm and sleep till about 6am. Then I feed you and you go back to sleep till about 9:30-10am :) :)
-You love tummy time.
-Your a great traveler! You did not cry once on your first flight! and it was 6hrs.
-You love your Paci.. But thats ok Id rather the paci over your thumb!
- Your going to be a ladybug for Halloween.. We call you Lainey Bug so its perfect!
Your such a sweet baby and I cant believe its already been 2 months!
awww sounds like shes doing awesome!!! shes beautiful=)